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Artist Statement
Identifying as anything other than heterosexual will always be difficult, no matter what year you’re in or where you are. More often than not, we have to reassure others that we are still the same person they know before we came out. At the same time, we must constantly remind the same sex that there is no possibility of us developing what may be described as an obsessive crush on them. Of course, coming out always comes hand in hand with the persistent criticism of others, bringing along this state of uncertainty to third wheel. The reason why this hidden anxiety of “is this who I really am?” loiters the mind of most LGBT identifying person is because of the way society and the media portrays any other sexuality other than what is considered to be “normal”. There has always been this cookie-cut version of how a member of the LGBT community would be. Then there would be the lacking representation of the others not included in our brand name. If I had known that there was no definite way to identify as anything other than heterosexual, I wouldn’t have struggled throughout those inescapable episodes of doubt. This being the reason why my concentration focuses so heavily on sexuality as well as gender. It has been very difficult for me to admit and embrace who I am as part of the LGBT community. In honesty, I still get embarrassed by it to this day. Hopefully by taking on this concentration, I can learn to be a little more accepting of myself and finally embrace who I am.
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